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 NAFCI 150 (Chimney 20 M)

Natural Air Flow Controlled system 
The newest innovation of controlled air incinerators which combines the natural flow system in compact size incinerator that Sankyo Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd. are accomplished research and make the highest efficiency not only economize of both electricity and any fuel no need, but also movable incinerators. In addition of Natural air controlled system, the tons of litter can definitely be continuously incinerated 24 hours per day and every day. It suits for urban and distant area,industrial factories ,hotels ,resorts.
Incinerated Process of SANKYO ASIA's Natural Air Flow Controlled System
  • It will automatically continuously work by itself after started the combustion with fired some of dry flammable litter.
  • Sankyo asia ’s incinerators control air flow and gas combination by itself (unnecessary to blow the air or feed any gas) such when the temperature is raised, the oxygen will flow into the chamber automatically to make the stoichiometric combustion – complete combustion .
  • At 650 ̊C or over, the humid litter is dried, burned and incinerated in primary combustion chamber and transfer to cinder, steam and combustible gas which heat energy of both steam and gas will be accumulated inside the incinerator.
  • After that, steam and the combustible gas flow to secondary combustion chamber to re-incinerates any organic substance and eliminates smell, smoke or crock and toxic gas. 
Properties and Advantages
  • Made in Thailand and fully with Japanese technology, designed by over 30 years in incinerated experience engineers.
  • Highly economize: no need to use blower, electric and fuel.
  • Re-incineration of the 3 combustible chambers system eliminates smell, smoke or crock, and toxic gas.
  • An incineration of dried and humid litter will be touch highest capacity at temp. 650-1000 ̊C.
  • Highly safety to the environment.
  • The high incineration capacity in small size of incinerator with fast and continuous working.
  • The advantages of Small size that able to save area fee and reduce structural budget. 
  • High quality of materials and durable design structure on worldwide industrial standard.
  • Natural air controlled system is the automatically air pull design, safe for operators around – no fire or flame bust out.
  • Around the operated incinerators are safe because of every side of them were covered by high quality heat resistance refractory and fiber.
  • After sales services, effective incinerated operation training and 1 year quality warranty are included.
  • Ease operation; no electrical circuit, mechanical part, or fuel feed system to worry.
  • 1 incinerator is suit for 30,000 household which can manage waste and sustain their environment by themselves which that of more efficiency than any huge waste management by land fill or destroyed by huge incinerator system.  
Dimensions: MODEL NAFCI 150
Width (mm) 1530
Length (mm) 2680
Height incinerator flue(mm) 2360
Width x Length x Height (mm) 1400x2500x2300
Flue Height (mm) 4800 (Highest flue 20 Meter)
Total weight approx. (kgs) ~9,500 kgs
Operation temperature :  
Min. Operating Temperature 650oC
Max. Operating Temperature 1000oC
For more information, pls contact SANKYO country manager in each based.

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